crypto made simple
Multi-currency walletMulti-currency supportTransaction HistoryQR ScannerCrypto Chat (P2P)Testnet for all currenciesOne-time backup
Multi-currency digital wallet platform connecting you with the crypto-world.You can manage all your crypto currencies in the same walletCheck all the transactions made in each of your cryptocurrenciesAllows you to make transactions by just reading a QR code and confirming the transaction.Beexo end-to-end encryption ensures only you and the person you're communicating with can read what's sent, and nobody in between, not even Beexo.All the currencies listed in our wallet can be used in testnet.Hierarchical Deterministic Wallet (BIP44) logic enables you to keep everything both accessible and secure, with one strong passphrase that you’ll only have to back-up once.
Multi-currency support
Transaction History
QR Scanner
Crypto Chat (P2P)
Testnet for all currencies
One-time backup